- система автоматизированного проектирования и производства
Англо-русский словарь по авиации. 2013.
Англо-русский словарь по авиации. 2013.
CAD/CAM — CAD/CAM … Deutsch Wörterbuch
CAD/CAM — refers to integration of computer aided design (CAD) and computer aided manufacturing (CAM) systems during product development. CAD Computer aided design (CAD) refers to the use of computer tools to assist engineers, architects and other design… … Wikipedia
CAD/CAM — es la abreviatura inglesa para las siguientes expresiones: ● Diseño asistido por ordenador (computer aided design – CAD), y ● Fabricación asistida por ordenador (computer aided manufacturing – CAM). * * * sigla de computer aided design/computer… … Enciclopedia Universal
CAD/CAM — [Abk. für Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacturing, dt. »computergestütztes Entwerfen/computergestützte Fertigung«] das, die Integration von CAD und CAM in der Fertigung. Dabei werden die von dem … Universal-Lexikon
CAD/CAM — (el. cad/cam) (fork. for computer aided design/computer aided manufacturing (computerstøttet design og produktion)) … Dansk ordbog
cad/cam — (el. CAD/CAM) (fork. for computer aided design/computer aided manufacturing (computerstøttet design og produktion)) … Dansk ordbog
CAD/CAM — [ kæd,kæm ] noun uncount computer aided design and computer aided manufacturing: the use of computers to design and make machines, equipment, and other products … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
CAD/CAM — s. m. Desenho assistido por computador. ‣ Etimologia: sigla do inglês Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacturing … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
CAD/CAM — [[t]ˈkædˌkæm[/t]] n. cmp computer aided design and computer aided manufacturing Etymology: 1980–85 … From formal English to slang
CAD/CAM — [kad′kam΄] n. [C(omputer )A(ided) D(esign)/C(omputer )A(ided) M(anufacturing)] design and manufacturing by means of a computer system, as in the creation of complex wiring diagrams, the design of coordinated machine parts, etc … English World dictionary
CAD/CAM — Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) steht für rechnerunterstützte Fertigung. CAM bezieht sich dabei auf die direkte Steuerung von Produktionsanlagen sowie der unterstützenden Transport und Lagersysteme. CAM ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der… … Deutsch Wikipedia